Friday, September 7, 2012

No spiders, Thank You!

So we are outside at recess:

Kid: Ms. Haines, that spider's about to get on you.
Gigantic huge big spider-ish looking thing with long legs appears on picnic table in front of me.
Me (getting up quickly): Kill it, kill it, kill it.
Child one: I got it Ms. Haines
Child two: No, Ms. Haines, those have thin little legs, that means that kind is ok.
Spider flees across picnic table in desperate attempt to get away
Me: I don't care.  It's big and scary looking and I don't want it on me.
Child one climbs onto picnic table to stomp on it.  Spider jumps off table and onto ground.
Child two: Really Ms. Haines, those kind are ok.
Me: Kill it, kill it, kill it.  I want it dead.
Child one (finally managing to step on it): There!  Don't you mess with my teacher, spider.
Kids run off to play.

It really was a big, scary looking thing.  I didn't like it.  Just to show that I'm not all anti-insect and arachnid though, here we all are later on watching the inchworm walk.  I even made sure we returned it to the ground so it could get food or whatever.  It really was cute, it kept standing up and looking at us and it crawls so cute.  (I'm letting a kid use my camera phone, so you can hear me directing the whole time in this).


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